At 6G Academy, we're always looking for industry experts and visionary thinkers to enrich our platform. Whether it's through leading a webinar, contributing an insightful article, or developing a training course, your knowledge and experience can make a significant impact on a global audience eager to learn.

Your Voice, Our Platform

  • Webinar Speakers: Share your expertise and engage with our community through live webinars. Your insights can help shape the future of technology.
  • Article Contributors: We welcome articles that challenge, inform, and inspire. Contribute your written pieces to our extensive library of resources.
  • Training Course Developers: Have a course idea? Collaborate with us to develop comprehensive training programs that empower tech professionals worldwide.

Make an Impact with 6G Academy

Your contribution can inspire change and drive innovation in fields like 6G, AI, Cybersecurity, and Quantum Computing. By joining our platform, you will be amplifying your voice and extending your reach to a dedicated audience.

Connect with Us

Ready to contribute? We'd love to hear from you. For all contributions and collaboration ideas, please reach out directly to Piotr (Peter) Pietrzyk, CEO and Founder of 6G Academy. Let's work together to build a future where technology education is accessible, engaging, and continually evolving.

Contact Piotr (Peter) Pietrzyk:
Email: Piotr[@]
LinkedIn: PM me here.